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Dott. Giuseppe Bonino 1°Presidente dell'Istituto Omiopatico di Torino

Dr. Giuseppe Bonino 1st President of Istituto Omiopatico di Torino

atto notarile 1883

notarial act - 1883

In October 1883 a group of homeopathic medical doctors chaired by Dr. Giuseppe BONINO from Torino, organized a meeting in Rome with the objective of establishing a Medical Homeopathic Association under the name of “ITALIAN HOMEOPATHIC INSTITUTE” (ISTITUTO OMIOPATICO ITALIANO). The purpose of this association was to open public homeopathic dispensaries in the main cities of the Kingdom, to publish an information magazine each three months and to establish yearly prizes to encourage homeopathic knowledge and clinical research. During the Congress held in Florence on the 20th of September 1885, the proposal of opening new dispensaries in Rome, Naples, Milan and Venice in addition to the already existing ones in Torino, Genova, Voltri and Forlì was approved, as well as the proposal of publishing the official magazine of the Institute “Homeopathy in Italy” (L’Omiopatia in Italia).
With a Royal Decree of the 24th of January 1886 the Institute was appointed with the title of “Ente Morale” (non profit organization) , acquiring thus the opportunity to own and accept donations, legacies, a.s.o.
The life of new “Italian Homeopathic Institute” was then beginning under the guide of an Executive Committee headed by the youthfully enthusiastic Dr. Giuseppe Bonino and with a large number of members including well known names from the scientific and political world as well as from the aristocracy.
Dr. Bonino had understood that the most effective mean to demonstrate homeopathy truth, to spread it and make it popular was to establish an Homeopathic Hospital and make it work: he dedicated his precious energy and uncommon intelligence to reach this purpose. This became reality the 1st of June 1890 when the First Italian Homeopathic Hospital was opened in Torino offering at the beginning just six beds, two of them free of charge and the other four for payment.
During the period from June 1890 to March 1902, 473 patients were attended, 13 deceased; at the same time the ambulatory annexed to the Hospital provided 80310 consultations free of charge to 21861 patients. In the meantime the Institute was growing and developing thanks to the generous donations of homeopathy followers, whose names were carved in the marble of the Institute entrance; these donations enabled to start the project of enlarging the Hospital making thus become true the dream of Dr. Bonino and all his generous co-operators.
The building works started in April 1902 and were completed during the summer of 1903: the 16th of November the same year the new enlargement was solemnly opened, increasing the number of beds from six to 22. Later a further enlargement up to 28 beds became possible when a building close to the Hospital was bought. The Homeopathic Hospital was located in a three stories building owned by the Institute and situated in 16, via Cesare Lombroso (formerly via Orto Botanico).
On the ground floor were located the premises dedicated to the ambulatory service for free consultations for people certified as “poor”, the offices, the exclusively homeopathic pharmacy distributing free homeopathic remedies to the poor people and the kitchen: all the rooms were looking out the wide cultivated courtyard with a laundry at the end (the homeopathic pharmacy, unique in Italy, has recently been restored and prepared to be exposed in the Historical Archive of Comune di Torino). On the first floor were located the rooms for male patients, the surgery room, the nurses’ room and the bathrooms. On the second floor the female patients' rooms and the rooms dedicated to the Nuns. The Institute carried out its activities in hospital treatments, free for poor people and with small charges for rich people, and in ambulatory cares providing free remedies to poor people.
It didn’t receive any subsidy and the beneficence was all funded on its own budget. After 90 years of activity, the Homeopathic Hospital , due to the Fascist Party boycotting first and to the Authorities lack of interest later, after having become General Medicine department in 1969 and then chronic patients department in Molinette Hospital, finally was closed down in the mid 80s and its premises were appointed for other usages. It seemed that the big project sustained with such personal engagement by so many homeopathic medical doctors during all those years had fallen apart.
But the 21st of march 2005 a group of homeopathic medical doctors from Piemonte opened the new site of the Italian Homeopathic Institute, located at 124, Corso Belgio in Torino. They are sustaining with the same enthusiasm and the same strong will the innovating message of the homeopathic medicine with the purpose of carrying on Dr. Giuseppe Bonino’s and his colleagues’ testimony. Currently the Institute carries out clinical ambulatorial activity and training activity through the SCUOLA MEDICA OMEOPATICA HAHNEMANNIANA of Torino with post-university 3 years classes aimed to medical doctors, veterinaries and pharmacists. Classes are compliant with the parameters set by the EUROPEAN COMMITTEE for HOMEOPATHY which is European Homeopathic Medicine most representative Organization.
The Institute cooperates with the Pharmacy University of Torino and is part of the non conventional medicines Committee inside Torino Medical Doctors and Surgeons Organization.

The president
Dott. Alberto A. Magnetti

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Italian Homeopathic register

Go to the Italian Register of Homeopaths Doctors credited.


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